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Taco casserole salad

Updated: Nov 17, 2021

High-protein, low-carb dinner recipe

My journey with gestational diabetes

I have always struggled with hypoglycemia, and have spent the past 12 years looking for creative ways to always balance my protein and carb intake for balanced blood sugar levels. Although hypoglycemia deals with low blood sugar, while gestational diabetes causes high blood sugar if not managed properly, both require careful attention to balancing my protein and carb intake.

Cooking has always been a passion of mine, and now I get to discover new ways to hit my protein and carb goals, while not giving up any quality of flavor! Each meal, I have a goal to stay between 25-35 grams of carbs, and 25-30 grams of protein. If I feel like I need extra energy, I can add extra carbs to each meal, up to 45 grams of carbs per meal, based on my dietician's guidance.

Rather than feeling frustrated and limited by my gestational diabetes diagnosis, I am spending my time exploring creative low-carb, high-protein snacks and meals and will be documenting my journey along the way. I am not a medical professional, and suggest each woman diagnosed with gestational diabetes works with a qualified nutritionist to meet her goals. My goal is simply to share my journey and what is working for me as I live with gestational diabetes.

I will not be sharing the complete macros of each meal that I share - rather the carb and protein breakdown for each.

Creative lunch and dinner ideas when you have gestational diabetes

I am a cooking fanatic, and never want to sacrifice on the flavor and quality of my food. I have spent a lot of time looking for ideas on lunch and dinner ideas to maintain my low-carb, high-protein diet, while also satisfying my stomach!

Taco casserole salad - yields 6 servings


1 lb ground beef

1 yellow onion

2 green bell peppers

1 1/2 cups fresh restaurant-style salsa (additional for garnish)

1 1/2 tbs ground cumin

2 cups shredded colby jack cheese

9 cups spring mix

6 tbs yogurt ranch dressing

1 bunch of cilantro

Optional: tortilla chips and lime wedges for topping


  1. Preheat broiler.

  2. Chop the onions and green peppers. Combine with ground beef in a pan and heat until beef is browned and the vegetables are tender.

  3. Mix in the salsa and ground cumin. Add salt to taste.

  4. Add beef mixture to a casserole dish and cover with cheese - place in preheated oven and cook until cheese is bubbly.

  5. Remove the casserole from the oven.

  6. Top mixed greens with a serving of the casserole - garnish with cilantro, yogurt ranch and salsa.

Optional: can add 4 tortilla chips and the juice of a lime wedge

One serving: 24 p, 11c

With chips and lime added: 24 p, 20 c

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